I posted on Twitter about my participation in the Nitrome Jam. I'm a true fan of Nitrome for quite some years, so I decided to participate as well. The result was Cloud Chap, a puzzle platformer which features a character that jumps as much as he likes, even in mid-air. This infinite jumping power would be useful if it didn't trigger the appearance of those stupid spikes! Come and try to beat all of the levels in this short game. The Nitrome Jam was truly fun to participate in, and as a trophy you can now play Cloud Chap over at Nitrome. This also makes it my most played game with over 2000+ people beating the first level. Sweet. And then I also mean that jam is very sweet.
I already posted about this today- Be_AT V1.1! Just scroll a bit more down to see all details.
Finally, I've also done a bit website maintenance! There is now an 'About' tab, which should give people a bit of an oversight what I do and why I do that. It also contains a large number of widgets if you want more information. I've also updated the 'Games' section with two new games that launched in the meanwhile (Be_AT and Cloud Chap).