Youtuber JupcraftGaming put up a compilation video in which (s?)he plays them for ~1 minute, creating very fun compilations. In the 11th episode, Super Size Switchers was also played. The result can be viewn below. (Super Size Switchers is shown at 6:39.)
This site was archived on 7 February 2017, and will no longer be updated. Check for the latest info.
Game Jams usually bring a lot of activity on the foot. After the devs have put in their part of the fun, all the media, players and developers come to look and play all the other games. Youtuber JupcraftGaming put up a compilation video in which (s?)he plays them for ~1 minute, creating very fun compilations. In the 11th episode, Super Size Switchers was also played. The result can be viewn below. (Super Size Switchers is shown at 6:39.) (ever wondered what those guys in the banner are drinking? It's apple juice. Because apple juice is for real men.)
My entrant for the 10th GameJolt Contest is playable! It has become a very short minimalist platform-puzzler, but I'm quite happy with it, although I think I'm not going to win anything for it :)
Hello all! Here's a little something I found when searching through the Amazingcookie archives*! It's the code used in the Taskbar Stopwatch to determine how the time should be calculated. I tried to comment it as well as I could, but if there are questions, please comment! // Calculate/Berekenen global.milsecond = current_time - global.starttime - global.waittime - global.shrinker if global.milsecond >= 1000 {global.milsecond = global.milsecond - 1000 ;global.shrinker = global.shrinker + 1000; global.second = global.second + 1 } if global.second == 60 { global.second = 0; global.minute = global.minute +1 } if global.minute == 60 { global.minute = 0; global.hour = global.hour +1 } // Draw/Tekenen if global.milsecond <= 100 {if global.milsecond <= 10 set_application_title(string(global.hour)+':'+string(global.minute)+':'+string(global.second)+',00'+string(global.milsecond)+' - ►') else set_application_title(string(global.hour)+':'+string(global.minute)+':'+string(global.second)+',0'+string(global.milsecond)+' - ►') } else set_application_title(string(global.hour)+':'+string(global.minute)+':'+string(global.second)+','+string(global.milsecond)+' - ►') // End of code Legend: current_time: A variable in Game Maker. This is the time elapsed in milliseconds since the computer was turned on. global.starttime: When the application is started or Play is pressed after the stopwatch has stopped, this variable is set to be the same as current_time. So, in fact, the elapsed time is the same as current_time - global.starttime. global.waittime: This is the total time that the stopwatch was PAUSED. This is also subtracted from the total time, without being added in the shown time. global.shrinker: Shrinker is mainly there to make sure the milliseconds counter in the taskbar shows a number delow 1000. If it's higher, then add a second to the counter. Then it gets obvious. If there are 60 seconds, add a minute and set seconds to 0, if there are 60 minutes, add a hour and put minutes to 0. Then we update the time in the toolbar. First, it checks how many zero's it needs to draw, and then it updates it with the correct data. That's all for today!
*In fact it was a Writer document I had prepared to present sometime ago. I absolutely love this Writer tool. See why I'll post a new update so you all know what I'm up to. Last month was an exiting list of projects and I'll share the details with you all. Community Project Passajolt An exciting idea for an community project: you get 24 hours to code before you have to pass the file to the next person. Next to the persons who can easily be called the masters of GameJolt, I was able to land a spot too. The project has become a little inactive the last days, because the file is now only sent to people willing to add to it, but as soon as we have the results I'll notify here. Community Project NGMC-Game V4 The NGMC is the (unofficial) Dutch community for the software program Game Maker, and it's already around for 10 years now. So it's logical they have tried multiple times to create games with very large groups. A NGMC member tried it with a simple approach: make a maximal 20 seconds long minigame and I'll put them all together. I've had my share in it by creating a little game called 'Protect Guy'. I'm not entirely happy with it, but it's okay for what it is. For the ones who are interested in it, the entire source code is available for download, so maybe you can use it. Contest Game with theme 'Party' The GameJolt contest #10 has taken off- with the theme 'Party'! There's already 500 people taking part of it, so if you're interested, join in! I'll be taking part with my Super Size Switchers. Just keep watching the activity feed on the contest page! I'll be trying to post as much process as I can there. Undimensional Data Undimensional is, probably because of it's simple nature, my current most played game on GameJolt. The stats are, at time of writing, that in total 900 games are played! In this total of 900 games, there was an average time of 5000 seconds. This would mean the average time per game is 5,55 seconds. (With a friendly reminder that if we hit one thousand, a community achievement will be unlocked!) In addition to that, the game was powered on 118 times in total, which results in ~8 games played per session. The game has 226 views on GameJolt and 118 downloads. This would roughly mean the game was played exactly as many times as the game was downloaded (possibly not true because I launched the game lots of times to test stuff). Undimensional's first build was downloaded 71 times, 1.1 14 times, and 1.1.1 (the current version) has 33 downloads. All news articles of the game hitted 100 views average. The soundtrack was downloaded 22 times total. The highest score logged on the leaderboard is krial's score, 41.13, and there are 26 other scores. The current rating is 73/100 voltage. That was about it, I guess! More news pretty soon!
-Amazingcookie |
Welcome!I am Tom, game design student and hobbyist game dev. I like gaming, especially Nintendo's work and indie games, and I'm a hobbyist game developer myself. You can find all my games here, as well as software tools, prototypes, custom levels and this blog. I hope that you just have as much fun playing them as that I had creating them!
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This site was archived on 7 February 2017, and will no longer be updated. Check for the latest info.